They’ve locked down the venue for Fright Reads!

Black Purple Scary Pumpkin Happy Halloween Facebook Cover (Facebook Cover) (Website).png

…Which is to say, it’s the old venue for Fright Reads. That’s slightly disappointing, but at least I know how to get there in good time. Besides, it’s shaping up to be a busy year. I will have plenty of opportunities to sell my books, in old venues and new.

Speaking of… buy my books!


The draft for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2 is off to the editor!

At last, right? I got logjammed on that, honestly. I had to force myself today to go through the beta reader notes and clean up what was a fairly nasty ordering error on it that was confusing the heck out of people. But, still; now it’s the editor’s problem. Huzzah!

In the meantime… the preorder store is here, if you missed the Kickstarter. My books are here. And now I do believe that I may go have a beer.


The ‘Huh. Maybe you SHOULD watch it.’ TRANSFORMERS ONE trailer.

Here is the thing: TRANSFORMERS ONE is, in fact, different than what I was expecting. It’s not like the previous big action movies at all. …Which were all, well, ass. I walked into the first Transformers movie expecting to have something that looked like this. I cannot help but hope that this will be better than that profound disappointment.

In the Mail: Government by Assassination.

This is the Kindle version of GOVERNMENT BY ASSASSINATION, but I wanted a print copy, too. It’s just easier to bookmark a passage in print than it is online, and I suspect that I’m going to need to do a lot of sticky notes. Besides, I got my print copy remarkably cheaply. Guess the bookseller didn’t know he could have sold it for twice the price.
