Self-Tweet of the Day, This Is Just ODD edition.

It’s not that somebody’s turning around and selling one of my books on Ebay at a 100% markup. It’s that it’s obvious what the book is selling for, and that it’s not out of print. You can even order GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND on Amazon today! Two day free shipping for Prime members!


Moe Lane


Some Fermi Resolution Worldbook updates.


  • We’re almost at the stage of smoke tests, which will happen this weekend before I send surveys out. More here.
  • The pre-order store is really and truly up now. Keep an eye out for maybe adding a coupon for a hardcover version of the book. (Note: the worldbook will be fulfilled by DriveThruRPG).
  • I finished up the Mages’ Alliance stuff and put it up on Patreon. A version of that will show up in the adventure stretch goal.

So, busy day!

The FEAR ITSELF: SHATTERED VEIL Edition Crowdfunder.

Not Kickstarter or Backerkit; something European, I’m guessing because of their increasingly weird tax laws. Anyway, FEAR ITSELF: SHATTERED VEIL looks very promising – then again, it’s Pelgrane Press. I have the first edition, and it is cool, original, and very messed up, in an elevated sort of way. I still remember the Man in the Bar…

Put ‘Milken Forts’ up on Patreon.

Edited it and made a PDF for it (see here). I’m going to be putting some more of the Fermi Resolution stuff I’ve been working over on Patreon, too. Mostly the new stuff will not be going into the worldbook, but there’s a couple of supplements that need text. And remember: I’m giving out a free month for my birthday! No obligation or opt-out, either. You can absolutely go in, binge-read the archives, and leave.