Doing Field of Screams tonight!

Eldest Son had a great time last year, so we’re going back. We have decided that the ax-throwing and brain-tosses were… unnecessary for the haunted house / trail experience, or perhaps ‘superfluous.’ They certainly make the experience a bit cheaper, not that I begrudge the cash. It’s going to be a beautiful night and it’s a fun thing to do with your kid.

The ‘Do you wanna see some’ WEREWOLVES trailer.

It looks like WEREWOLVES is refreshingly free of the burdens of scientific, genetic, astronomical, and/or sociological rigor. Presumably it discarded those to make more room for the practical special effects, because they went old school for this one, brothers and sisters.

I mean, I’m sure they used CGI somewhere. Which is actually fine! There’s nothing wrong with CGI. But practical effects puts this on the list of me checking to see if my kid wants to see it.

Out December 6th. I guess Halloween and Christmas were too booked up?

10/17/2024 Snippet, NEVER RETURN.


One of the advantages, and curses, of necromancy is that you become quite the connoisseur of stenches. Your nose becomes attuned to the differences between the various charnel bouquets, to the point where ghulmen are almost willing to admit that you might approach their level. 

Unfortunately, oldmen do not get the ability to find rotting meat piquant. The best we can do is simply keep the thought of the smell away from our gorge. So when I sniffed the presence of recently-killed vermin coming from the local descent to the Antiquity, I did not enjoy the experience. Or if I did, it was the enjoyment of someone who had just literally sniffed out a trap.

“Hold!” I muttered to Curwin and Marsh, both of whom were there to give me some physical safety while I performed my exorcisms. I can defend myself, but not while staring into the Veil. “There is death ahead. Many small deaths.”

“Christ on His Throne,” Curwin muttered, blanching and crossing himself, and I hastened to correct him.

“Not small human deaths, Lieutenant. There are a great number of dead rats and squirrels in the passage ahead.” I sniffed. “A remarkable number of dead pigeons, too. They are just now starting to rot.”

Sent out a story today!

Haven’t done that in a while, but one of the things that I am trying to do every day now is dedicate an hour for building the business. It occurred to me that publishers still actually pay money for short stories, so why not throw one out there? I mean, it’s not like I don’t have a bunch of them by now.

We’ll see how it goes.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Sent out a story today!

Tweet of the Day, If You’ve Never Seen This FRASIER / COLUMBO crossover comic…

…you’re in for a treat. As I note below, the dialogue is pitch-perfect. This could have been an episode of FRASIER. Admittedly the last episode, but still.


10/16/2024 Snippet, NEVER RETURN.

Getting there.

Grimoire House
The Next Morning

“You will forgive me for not explaining my meaning until the sun was in the sky,” I told Curwin. “It is bad, when the dead kill the living. It is even worse when you talk about their crimes where the dead can hear.”

“So that’s what this is, then? A murderous ghost?” Curwin looked dubious, and for good reason. “I am given to understand that such creatures would need to be extremely powerful, and extremely angry. Souls are not supposed to linger on this plane, are they not?”

“They are not.” I suppressed a smile. Marsh had arranged last night to have Curwin liaise with me in this investigation, and I was glad for both the company, and the help. The good lieutenant might not have had any significant magic on his own, but he had a useful grasp of theory. “It is no simple task to resist the pull to Eternity, and no sensible necromancer will allow a soul to linger overlong, for exactly this reason. With the power comes a certain recklessness, and spite. It’s not really the soul’s fault. Well, except for deciding to stay on this plane, I suppose.”

My books are good. Buy them, please. (No, seriously).

I’m running numbers today on trying to get into the Annapolis Holiday Market, which is an excellent place to sell stuff… and has table fees to match. I can maybe swing a single day table… but if I want to do all four days, I need more liquidity. A good deal more.


Begging is beneath my dignity, and yours. I will not miss any meals, credit card payments, or even a chance at a future if I don’t do this venue. But: if you like my books, they make great Christmas Day presents. If you haven’t read my books yet, please try them. Thank you.

[EDIT: Just can’t make the numbers work, after all. Ah, well.]