Kevin Drum has passed.

Got the word this afternoon. We were not friends. I even said some unkind things about him, back in the day. But it was just business, you know? I meant what I said, but it wasn’t anything personal. He was a hell of a lot better than the class of people that replaced him, let me tell you. And… not everybody who was around and causing trouble in the blogosphere is still around these days. Now there’s one fewer, and we are lessened for it.

My condolences and prayers to his family and loved ones.

The ANNE SHIRLEY anime trailer.

People made sure I saw this…

…annnnd ANNE SHIRLEY looks fine! I don’t speak Japanese, so I’m gonna need subtitles because I’m part of that faction, but, you know, nothing about it appears bad. I am known to have opinions about the proper treatment of the Anne of Green Gables novels, and I offer neither apologies nor regrets for that. But ANNE SHIRLEY feels like it’ll be a clean adaptation.

I’m giving away free one-month memberships for my birthday month!

As is traditional for the Shire – I figure that if I was destined to end up looking like a hobbit, I might as well lean into it – I am giving away things for my birthday. Specifically, thirty free one-month memberships. Since I have only one tier (and generous patrons), that one month gets you, well, everything. So check it out!

Moe Lane

PS: If you want to give me a present, buy one of my books. That way we both get something.


Tweet of the Day, I’ve Noticed This Myself edition.

And it’s a problem. …For other people, I guess. I personally like my book covers to actually give you a clue what’s inside the blessed thing.

Via @presjpolk.


In case you missed it: Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow.

…Look, I missed it until this afternoon, okay? I somehow forgot that we’re going to have a couple of annoying days until everybody’s circadian rhythms return to something semi-normal. Maybe I missed it because I’m old, or maybe it’s because people aren’t talking as much about the thing as usual. So, just in case: DST starts tomorrow.

Moe Lane

PS: At least we get our regular tank back in my MMORPG. Coordinating AUS/EUR/USA time zones can get tricky, particularly when AUS/NZ are reversed when it comes to seasons…