And ohhhhhh but the new season of THE RINGS OF POWER is gonna make people’s eyes twitch, veins in foreheads throb, and possibly even get a mouth or two to froth. Honestly, I respect that. It means that people haven’t completely accepted the Doom that has come unto them, and I salute their bravery against the Shadow.

Continue reading The LET’S PLAY: MERP / ROLEMASTER SECOND AGE HOMEBREW second season trailer.


TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, VOL. 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS is not ready, but it is ready enough that I can put together a book cover order. Looks like it’s going to clock in at ten stories, 345 pages, and $4.99/$13.99 in Kindle/paperback price. God curse all inflation anyway.

Still on track for a September fulfilment! Keep watching the skies! And buy my other books here.


Tweet of the Day, Kidding On The Square edition.

Dude’s joking here, but he and I both know there are far too many people on social media who have wildly inflated views of their own self-importance. It is to laugh, as Harley Quinn might say.

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE looks like it’ll be all right.

I saw some people freaking out about reviews for DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE. I’m not entirely certain why:

A 80/97 split on Rotten Tomatoes is absolutely good news, going in. That translates to, “It’s a crowd-pleaser that the critics will begrudgingly admit is put together well.” That’s all I wanted! I want something fun that I can watch after I have a beer and some wings with my future sister-in-law-in-law (it’s complicated). I’ll be happy to get it, too.

07/25/2024 Snippet, THE REAL THING.


Best of all, I had managed to get an insight. “Where did the naked lizards come from?” I asked our impromptu grand council.

“You’re the mage,” Finglas pointed out. One of his ears looked pretty ragged, but he had gotten through the fight all right. “I’m sure you can tell us.” 

“Yes, I can.” I pulled out one of the scribbled-on maps we had brought with us. They were our best guesses of the roads around and through Lost Atlanta, and were just accurate enough that we kept using them. “Those things came at us from the north, which is where we think the Chattahoochee River is. They couldn’t have been far from their home hunting grounds, either.”

“Because they’re so thin?” Elanor asked. “Wouldn’t the river have fish in it, though?”

“Maybe,” said Nellas. He had gotten a nasty slash across his arm, but it was healing up well. “Some of these places got cursed or lifebaned pretty hard, back during the Discovery. But even if it does have fish, these creatures aren’t going to be great in the water.” He poked at one of the naked lizards we had cooked up for dinner. “See how these feet and claws move?”

I studied the half-eaten corpse. “Yes,” I finally intoned. “I have no idea what it means, though. You’re the scout, though. I’m sure you can tell us.”

Tweet of the Day, GIGOGOGOG@#$%!@#$!@ edition.

I’m surprised anybody’s surprised. I mean, isn’t this intuitive? AI prompt results don’t have conscious decisions behind them; the model just does a high-probability guess, based on the existing information in its database. Dump enough AI prompt results into the database, and the amount of actual information goes down. Eventually it collapses, and you get a smear of fuzzy junk.

This seems pretty straightforward, yes?

Via @Strangeland_Elf.

The FALLOUT LONDON launch trailer.

I probably don’t have time to play this.

You can pick up FALLOUT LONDON at GOG, and they’re kind of suggesting that you grab a copy of FALLOUT 4 GOTY there and disable updates. This seems like a very good suggestion, because apparently it won’t work on Next-Gen Fallout and the developers aren’t even going to bother trying to keep up with the updates. I can’t say that I blame them much for that, either. Besides, I also think this replaces the base game, and people are still playing the base game. Heck, I’m finishing up Far Harbor as we speak.

The D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter.

If you played West End Games’ D6 games at all, back in the day, Gallant Knight Games is bringing it back in the D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter. Checked with the publishers: they don’t use AI, and haven’t finalized a printer location yet. However, digital fulfilment is definitely going to be through DriveThruRPG, and a PoD option will be available there as well. That satisfies my ethical concerns enough to recommend and digitally back the project*. I have still recommended to the company that they avoid using the PRC for this one. Or, you know, ever.

*It’s impossible to avoid PRC-made goods in this country entirely, unfortunately. So if I at least have the option to avoid it, I’ll take it. We live in an imperfect universe, alas.